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Congenital Anterolateral Bowing of the Tibia

What is it?

Congenital Anterolateral Bowing of the Tibia is a rare condition that is present in 1 in 250,000 live births. The affected leg is bowed forwards, and usually shortened. It is usually associated with other signs of Neurofibromatosis, although it may occur in isolation. In any case, the diagnosis is seldom in doubt. By age 2, the bowed tibia fractures spontaneously, and does not heal.

What does your doctor do about it?

The diagnosis is usually confirmed by an X-ray at birth or in infancy. Before the fracture occurs, the doctor may place the affected leg in a thermoplastic brace to protect it. Once the fracture occurs, it does not heal, and forms a pseudarthrosis (non-union). Surgical repair using the traditional technique of bone grafting and plating is usually not successful. More recent techniques of using fibula graft, or using the Ilizarov technique of repair are more repair, although long term results remain to be seen. If unsuccessful, a below-knee amputation is the final solution to this extremely difficult problem.


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